The History of Andranth told by Graham who has lived through the ages. Graham recals the forming of the realms and the rise and fall of Corian: The Rusted Knight.
The Sylvi Sisters

Erica Sylvi will one day be considered the greatest of all the Sylvi Knights to ever grace the Twist Islands.
KNIGHTS Season I: The Sylvi Sisters is a glimpse into Erica’s early days as her sister's squire and the events that ironically led to her becoming the next Sylvi Knight

Having been formally squired to her sister Amanda, and informally to her adopted sister Vanessa, Erica was eager to complete her training in both the Rule of Three mentality and the art of illusions. Though their training sessions had been intensive, Amada’s role as the Sylvi had kept her and her team; the Sylvi Guard, away from the islands frequently.With Vanessa as Amanda’s first officer, Erica’s training would often lapse in the absence of her sisters and her attention would shift to her father's failing health.
In the year 1207, the King of Kings was poisoned and the realms fell into disarray. Amanda and Vanessa were called upon to seek out the Winter Rose; a rare plant thought to exist deep in the Gadanin Eastwood Forest. The mission was to retrieve the rose in hopes that it could be used as an antidote for the King. Though Amanda and her team were regarded as the best Knights in all of the realms, they quickly found themselves lost and disoriented in the frozen forest.
On what would be their final day as a unit, Amanda’s guard began to lose hope in the mission and their leader despite Vanessa’s attempts to persuade them otherwise. Later that evening, Amanda and her team were ambushed by vicious wolves. It was at this moment that Amanda had discovered Erica had been secretly concealing herself with illusions and was in fact with them in the forest and not safetly at the keep.

Amanda & The Sylvi Guard

The Winter Rose
The events that followed would be known to all the realms as Eastwood and Erica Camaron would now be known to all the realms as Erica Sylvi.