Sara Secora


  • Name:
    Sara Secora
  • Characters:
    Erica Sylvi
  • Episodes:
  • Website:

  • Biography:

    Sara Secora is a twenty-seven year old that was born and raised in the Great Lake state of Michigan. As a wearer of many hats, Secora is brimming with creativity and passion within her repertoire of talents and ventures; whether it be in the realm of video games, the written word, or voice over. Secora is an accomplished voice over artist with over three years of training and experience in the field. Additionally, Secora is well established on her YouTube channel, Avigaming, where she posts a vast variety of gaming related content and unboxing videos. Finally, at long last, Sara Secora's first novel, Throne of Lies, has debuted with an outpour of astounding reviews and ratings.